Friday, November 16, 2012

Best Rock Documentary Ever

When I was in high school i remember checking out a vhs from the library of Journey's Frontiers and Beyond documentary of their 1983 tour. Somewhere i still have a vhs copy of that tape but i still have yet to see a documentary as good as this one. The doc was done by NFL films and what makes it so special is that it tells the story of not just the band but the whole crew. Over the years i've checked online to see if it was available but never could find a copy. Now it's been posted in it's entirety on youtube. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Leadership Summit PIcs

Here's some pics from this years #wcagls

We had a Harmonium in the house with Gungor.  Very cool little instrument.

Mixing monitors for Gungor was a blast.  Really great people and incredible musicians.  This was during the lunchtime set.  It made our 7200 seat room feel like a small club.  Having cello, glock, and harmonium mics right on the edge of the stage made the iems sound like you were in a small club.

View backstage during the last session.  We had to turn for the weekend services right after the conference was over so i got a little head start by striking the band set from session 6.

Maybe hard to see but you know it's summit time when patch cables are tied off to the ceiling.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

PM1D + Ipad

For some time now i've been bouncing around in my head the idea of trying to figure out how to control the Yamaha PM1D with my ipad.  Now i know there's the PM1d Manager software and that you can control the console via a laptop and vnc but my experience is that you end up spending more time waiting for your computer or console to reboot because of a crash.  I wanted to be able to control a few faders (DCA's) just so i could walk the room and make a few mix adjustments or mute the band if they were done rehearsing while i was up in the balcony.

The way that made sense to me was thru a midi control app like Midi Designer.  You can custom make your own interface with faders, buttons, etc and assign them to whatever you like.  I googled pm1d and ipad and found the Yamaha Faders and XY app.  This is primarily for controlling yamaha synths but for some reason they have a PM1D skin.  It provides 8 faders and an xy pad.

To connect your ipad to the PM1D you need a host computer.  For the computer settings i followed the directions on the Midi Designer website.  After that was completed the host computer appears in the Wireless MIDI Port window in the Yamaha app.

Now the Yamaha app has a midi learn feature.  The idea is that you select the channel assign window in the app, turn on midi learn, then move the fader on the PM1d that you want assigned and the app will learn.  While the app did receive midi data it seemed to be for a different function then volume level so i had to go in and manually setup of the Control Change numbers in both the app and on the PM1D.  Here's a couple screen shots of the PM1D MIDI CTRL CHANGE screen.

My next step is to setup a control surface in Midi Designer.  You can setup a lot more faders, buttons, etc with that app then with the yamaha app.  

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Why I Like BuskerOne

Lately I've been listening to a lot of electronic music and have put together a little midi studio around my iPad and some old gear I had laying around. While that alone could be the subject of several posts, it is the reason I was reading an issue of Future Music and came across an article about how a synth sound was created for the song, "Changed the Way You Kissed Me" by Example. Having never heard of the song or the artist I YouTubed the song and found the video.

After watching the video I noticed a related video of 2 people (BuskerOne) doing a cover of the song.

 This led to me going to BuskerOne's YouTube page and watching many more covers of theirs. BuskerOne is 2 music school grads from the UK. As a way to create some YouTube traffic to their site and their own music they started doing a cover of whatever the #1 song was that week in the UK. The videos are shot with 1 camera in front of a closet. The more videos I watched the more I liked BuskerOne and appreciated how creative and savy these two are. Here's some of the reasons why.

 1). Their arrangements of the songs are really creative. If you aren't familiar with the song check out the videos for Changed the Way You Kissed Me. They take a dance song and give it a country feel, including singing the rap in the song. They also did a cover of Dynamite. The song is the same 4 chords over and over and if you just pounded out those 4 chords on an acoustic it would be the most boring thing ever, but throw in a couple inversions and some nice vocal stylings and it's fun again.

 2). They make the best of what they have. From a production standpoint there's nothing that incredible. I would guess that they don't have a ton of gear at their disposal but it's what they do with what they have that impresses me. Their arranging is well done with additional guitars, drums, bass, and bgv's. While the backing tracks are simple and the production quality is on the lower side, it shows off their talent very well and that's the point of this whole thing.

 3). On the savy side of things there are a couple things I noticed. First they keep their covers on the shorter side. No filler stuff needed. Second they always have something on the wall behind them that has to do with the song they are covering. Just adds another element of fun.

 So what's the point of all this? To me it is to make the best with what you have. Gear and equipment is not a prerequisite for talent and practicing to improve that skill. Whether you are on the musician side or on the production side of the stage, with some creative thinking and hard work you can create some amazing things with the talent God has given you.

BuskerOne ep free download
BuskerOne website